Bakhtiyar Khilji destroyed Nalanda University

Nalanda University was set on fire by the Turkish ruler Bakhtiyar Khilji. The university’s library had a huge collection of books, because of which the fire did not go off for three months. Khilhji also put many of the religious gurus to death.

Khilji’s complete name was Ikhtiyaaruddin Mohammad Bin Bakhtiyaar Khilji. Khilji captures some of the areas ruled by Buddhists. The reason behind setting Nalanda University on fire as explained by world renowned historians was, Once Khilji was very ill, and irrespective of various medication he could not recover. Then Khilji was suggested that, he should be treated under Rahul Sheelbhadra, who was the head consultant (aacharya)of Ayurveda in Nalanda University. Khilji made a condition that he would not take any Indian medicine. He said, if he does not recover he will get the aacharya killed.
Next day aacharya went to him with the holy Quraan and said, Khilji has to read certain pages of Quraan and eventually he would recover. He did so and he was cured. Khilji was angry instead of being happy upon his recovery, he was angry because understanding of an Indian ayurvedic doctors was better than their hakims. Actually Rahul Sheelbhadra, who was the ayurvedic doctor, applied certain medicine on those pages which Khilji was prescribed to read. Every time he turned the page, he consumed the medicine as he licked his finger in order to turn the pages. Thus, he recovered.
Instead of being great full and showing gratitude to Buddhism and Ayurveda , Khilji was angry and set the Nalanda University on fire in the year 1199. The university’s library had a huge collection of books, because of which the fire did not go off for three months. Khilhji also put many of the religious gurus to death.


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